How to Organize a Bedroom? 12 Tips & Tricks

Is your bedroom in need of a makeover and a dose of organization? We’ve got you covered! Our bedroom organization ideas are an excellent way to start updating your bedroom ASAP. Before we dive in, here are some of the perks of bedroom organization:

Improved sleep: A clutter-free environment makes it much easier to get a full night’s rest.

Reduced stress: Knowing where all your items are makes it easier to find what you need when you need it, reducing those frantic searches for an old notebook or your favorite shirt.

Aesthetic appeal: An organized room is far more appealing than a cluttered one and gives you a chance to show off your style!

Below, we’ll offer some general advice on how to organize your bedroom effortlessly.

How To Organize Your Room The Easy Way

Bedroom organization can feel daunting, but generally, it’s fairly simple! If you’re wondering how to organize your bedroom, just follow these guidelines:

  • Sweep and vacuum often: It’s essential to keep things clean and free of debris to ensure a clean room. Be sure to dust as well if needed.
  • Keep your closet organized: Use organizers (like boxes and dividers) to organize your clothes and personal items in your closet. For anything that doesn’t fit in your closet, keep it neatly placed in your room.
  • Don’t hoard: The best way to keep your bedroom organized is to throw away what you don’t need and take inventory of your belongings each month.


Bedroom Organization Ideas and Tips

Now, let’s dive into more specific tips and ideas for how to organize your room:

Make an Inventory

Making an inventory is an essential part of how to organize a bedroom. Simply create a list of all essentials in your room (journals, blankets, games, etc.), and make sure you only keep what you need.


An essential step for bedroom organization is to declutter. Throw away trash, items you don’t use, and anything deemed non-essential. This will help free up space and open up your bedroom.

Go One Section at a Time

Once you start organizing, divide your bedroom into sections. Some examples include sleeping area, closet, gaming area, and so-on. Breaking your bedroom down into sections helps make organization more manageable.

Use Baskets

One excellent bedroom organization idea is to use baskets. Small boxes or containers to house things like records, collectables, or books help provide an easy organization method that is also stylish.

Under-The-Bed Storage

A great way to declutter is to utilize under-the-bed storage—you can get small bins and put your belongings in them underneath your bed to free up space.

Add Floating Shelves

A great way to store books (or knick-knacks) is to install floating shelves. Floating shelves not only look great, but they also offer a minimalist storage solution for items that might be taking up space on surfaces.

Get Closet Organizers

As we mentioned, a key part of bedroom organization is ensuring that your closet is neat and tidy. Closet organizers are a great way to achieve this. They can help make distinct sections in your closet and also provide a great aesthetic.

Use Storage Furniture

Storage furniture, like wardrobes or storage beds, are great ways to declutter your space and organize your bedroom.

Make Your Bed

If you want to know how to organize your bedroom in a single step, just make your bed! It seems obvious, but doing this will bring a sense of harmony to your room each day.

Get a Trash Can

Easily overlooked, a simple trash can will help declutter your room by encouraging you to get rid of trash from late night snacks, Amazon deliveries and crafting projects.

Need Help Organizing Your Room?

If you find the process of organizing your bedroom daunting or simply don’t have the time, consider enlisting the assistance of Taskers. Taskers can help you organize ASAP so you can get back to enjoying your space.

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