How Much Does It Cost to Finish Drywall?

Finishing drywall generally costs about $1.00 to $2.50 per square foot. The factors that impact the cost typically include drywall types, the soundproof properties of the drywall you select, different sizes of drywall, and labor costs

The cost of finishing drywall varies by installer, but with Taskers, drywall installation starts at just $57 per hour. Read on to learn more about the labor cost to finish drywall, the general cost to finish drywall, and drywall finish levels.

Cost to Finish a Drywall per Square Foot

The general cost to finish drywall per square foot is between $1.00 and $2.50. That means that for a 500 square foot room, your cost, including labor and materials, is about $875. To determine the actual cost of your project, chat with someone with expertise (like a Tasker) to measure your room and assess the condition of the walls.

Cost of Drywall Finish Levels

There are five “levels” of drywall finish that define the standards that finishing drywall is broken into. Finishing levels define the quality and thoroughness of the finish. There are five levels of drywall finish, and they can range from $0.85 to $3.50 per square foot. The levels are as follows:

Level 0

Level 0 indicates no finishing. Drywall is just attached to the walls or ceiling at this level. This usually costs $0.85 to $1.90 per square foot.

Level 1

Level 1 indicates that mesh drywall tape is embedded in joint compounds to fill the gaps securely but isn’t finished in any other way. This generally costs $1.15 to $2.15 per square foot.

Level 2

Level 2 includes drywall tape embedded in the joint and drywall screw holes. This typically costs $1.50 to $2.75 per square foot.

Level 3

Level 3 generally includes joint compound on the tape and screws as well as texturing, which is called “knockdown texture.” This costs $1.50 to $2.75 per square foot.

Level 4

Level 4 finish consists of two coats of joint compound on the tape and typically three coats of mud on screw holes. This usually costs between $1.70 and $3.20 per square foot.

Level 5

Level 5 drywall finish consists of two coats of joint compound on tape, a fine coat over the walls, and three coats on screw fittings. This costs between $1.75 and $3.50 per square foot.

Cost to Finish a Drywall FAQs

How long does it take to finish drywall?

It takes between a few days and a month to finish drywall, depending on its level. A crew of a few people will expedite the process, whereas a single person will take longer. 

How do you save money when finishing drywall?

To save money when finishing drywall, you can try spraying a heavy texture over the surface. This will help hide imperfections but can be difficult to achieve on your own. Hiring help is recommended to save money in the long run.

Is a permit needed to finish drywall?

Many construction projects do require a permit. Check with your local authorities through their website (you can usually google “building permits and inspections in [your city]”) before starting any major construction projects.

What’s the cost to mud and tape drywall?

The average cost to mud and tape drywall is about $.50 to $1.00 per square foot. Completing this process for a 500 square foot room would cost about $375.

DIY Drywall Finishing vs. Hiring a Pro

The cost to DIY drywall finishing, while you might save on labor costs, is still a bit pricey and leaves you at risk of a job done improperly. Typically, DIY costs about $1.50 per square foot, meaning a 500-square-foot room will cost over $700 in materials and labor. But help from a Tasker, with their expertise and custom rates, can save you cash in the long run (and spare you from potential mishaps). It’s always a good idea to protect your walls when you can!

So don’t do it all on your own. Hire a Tasker today!

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